Alpha Lipid Lifeline Colostrum

Our family has been taking Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image for 5 years now.

We originally took it to boost our immunity. Of course that is a difficult thing to measure but we have not suffered any serious winter ills since starting on colostrum. With our busy lifestyles the increase in energy levels is a definite advantage. We see it as a valuable yet affordable preventative and nutritional supplement.

Don't forget of course that colostrum is also recommended for those currently in good health. It will delay the signs of aging, improve immunity, provide increased energy, improve brain function, increase muscle mass, on to learn more about the preventative value of Colostrum for the entire family. It is safe for your children and pets!

One noticeable additional benefit is improved recovery after strenuous exercise. At nearly 54 the body is coping well with squash, golf, competitive masters volleyball and multiple daily dog walks.

Regular domestic and international travel no longer causes any problems with adapting to time zones , foreign food and travel related illnesses. A longterm food sensitivity no longer causes uncomfortable gastric symptoms.

Others we know have found relief from IBS, Crohns, Psoriasis, pre operative immune boosting and accelerated healing post surgery. We are hoping that the recognised anti aging benefits will become more apparent with the progressing years.

Not all clostrums are created equal. There are many different colostrum products on the market, do your research.
"ImmuRich capsules"  is one of the best  by an Indian company DHANWANTRI DISTRIBUTOR LTD. Have been tested clinicaly  on 7000 patients for various disease.

We chose the Alpha Lipid Colostrum for 2 main reasons.

Firstly, Alpha Lipid colostrum is an exclusive formula from New Image that increases the dispersability and bioavailability of colostrum by up to 100%. Alpha Lipid also enhances brain and memory function. It has been associated with reducing symptoms of Alzheimers and depression and helps protect the liver and gut.

Secondly, Alpha Lipid Colostrum from New Image is made from 100% highest quality colostrum, processed using specialised techniques that do not damage any of the active ingredients.

5 years ago we traded our Vitamin C, garlic and Echinacea tablets for Alpha Lipid Colostrum. We are still taking them daily and will continue to do so to benefit us as we age, actively, healthily and maybe gracefully!

You owe it to yourself to try the best. You really have nothing to lose.

Bedsore healed within 35 days
Dibetic Foot healed within 8 days 

Cancer patient under chemotherapy
HIV Kid with Tubercular-Lymphdenitis

Psoriasis cured within 180 days 
Herpes zoster - results within 7 days